Friday 28 December 2018

003 Saudade

"“a vague and constant desire for something that does not and probably cannot exist, for something other than the present."

She felt that hollow sucking her
Sucking her deep into the dark hole
Everything felt like yesterday
It was nothing like tomorrow
Dark room, its glitching, and
80's arcade game sound
can you hear it?

She walks on familiar street
She puts on her headphone
She close her eyes, shes dreaming
"what if I cross the streets blindfolded?"
she thought, shes dreaming
can you see her?

Shes listening to him talking
His words fell like petals from broken roses
She wait for him, tomorrow
He didn't came, shes waiting
Words around her become noises she cant understand,
Shes hoping, he never came,
Can you feel her?

Was it love, she thought?
Or the comfort of words and warm smile
to keep her from feeling lonely and sad ?

Thursday 16 July 2015

002 Limerence

"the state of being infatuated or obsessed with another person, typically experienced involuntarily and characterized by a strong desire for reciprocation of one's feelings but not primarily for a sexual relationship."

It first started with a kiss.
It first started with a touch.
It first started with a thought of lust.
If first started with the thought of occupying each other loneliness.

she thought she understand what he wants.
he never thought he lose it in his head.
they both thought what they thought is true.

then he falls in love.
he falls. deeply.

and she thought it was a limerence.
she was scared. she wants to run away.
she thought he was being attached to her.
she thought he was obsessed with her.
she was doubting him.
she wants to run away.
she doesn't wants to fall in love.
she hates it. she despised it.

she wants lust.
she was lonely.
she wants to be touched.
but not love.
again. she try to run away.

he holds her.
he tells her he love her.
she just smiled.
she thought it was a limerence.

it was a limerence.
he loves her.
then she falls in love.

she thought it wrongly.
it was not a limerence.
at that time he pull her hands.
and show her the outside world.

she falls in love with the sky.
she falls in love with the smell of the grass.
she falls in love with the beautiful palette of the earth
she falls in love with him. deeply.
just as deep as the the sound of the marble thrown deep into the bottom of the lake.
as silence as that. slowly. deeply. madly in love.

and she thought.
it was not a limerence.
it is love.

Tuesday 7 July 2015

001 Genesis

I miss him
His smile
His laugh
His voice
His kiss
His touch

I miss it
The way he play with my hair
I miss it
The way he whispers in my ear
I miss it
The way he looks at me
I miss it
I miss all of it

Everything about him
His warmth breathe on my neck
His soft lips against mine
His fingers on mine

I love you
and Everything is for you
Dedicated to you